Membership Application (Online form available at Store)
Membership Fees: (All NE-DS memberships are for one year and are renewable. SPECIAL NOTE: If you were a member during the pandemic, you are still a member till Dec.31, 2024.)
$30 per year for any single person
$25 per year for any single person - RENEWAL
$50 for any two people who are in a relationship and join at the same time
(please complete an application for each member)
$45 per year for any two people who are in a relationship and join at the same time – RENEWAL
You may apply on-line by going to the NE-DS web site: or by filling out this application and sending it to New England Dungeon Society, 197 M Boston Post Road, Marlborough, MA 01752.
Applicant #1
Legal Name______________________ Date of Birth: __________________
Mailing Address: ________________________________
City: _____________________________
State: _____ Zip: ____________
Fetlife/Scene Name*_______________________
Many people within the scene chose a "scene name" by which they are known so as to protect their privacy. It may be simply a first name or something more exotic. (However, keep in mind how others may react to it.) If you would like a scene name on your membership card just write it below. Also, if you want your NE-DS mail forwarded to another email, provide that email address.
Applicant #2
Legal Name________________________
Date of Birth: __________________
Mailing Address: ________________________________
City: _____________________________
State: _____ Zip: ____________
Fetlife/Scene Name*_______________________
II/we certify that I am aware that NE-DS is an educational, social and support group for those who engage in what is commonly known as sadomasochistic practices and as such I may be exposed to sexually explicit content during meetings and from mailings I may receive at the address provided above or at addresses I may later request NE-DS to transfer my mail. I understand that NE-DS must maintain a responsible public image and I/we will do nothing to tarnish this. In all activities of the society, I will obtain knowing, informed consent of those with whom I am interacting and am aware that consent can be withdrawn at any time. Furthermore, by signing below, I certify that I have read and agree to abide by the Terms of Membership.
Applicant 1 Signature/Date
Applicant 2 Signature/Date